No, this isn't a post about our son coming home. Darn. It's just a good picture of the black wire shelves that I used to hold and display a lot of my beautiful serving dishes. I liked the shelves, but they were making the room feel cramped. So this is what we did with the barn boards from our previous post.

Here's my DH, he's the Alan Luxmore to my one half of the Texas Picker Sisters (you have to watch that series). I'm the idea man, he's the contractor in chief.
Dry fit assembly in the great room.
Here it is in place. You might remember that I bought 4 boards (and have the black iron pipe and fittings for 4) but the shelves are only 3 boards high. We decided that 4 boards would be just too high for the space. I couldn't be happier with how they look and function. I'll post another picture of the entire room after we hang the mirror and the new chandelier (it arrived last night, yay!) so you can see the difference the lower shelves make in the room.
Hope you like them.

Details; Old reclaimed barn siding was washed, sanded, cut to fit and then a white brining wax was applied followed by a coat of clear wax. Buffing was necessary and the newly cut ends were dry brush painted with a Martha Stewart gray paint and then waxed. The legs and posts are 3/4" black iron gas pipes and fittings. The legs have a 3/4" to 1" reducer fitting that make a very stable base. Normally the black iron pipe is a bit expensive but I found an Ace Hardware outlet store in Brooklyn New York that has prices almost 2/3 less than the local big box stores. They also offered free shipping on orders more than $50. Score!!! Let me know if you want their web address.