I haven't given up, even after last years non-crop. We had beautiful tomato plants with almost no tomatoes. My neighbor, Rose tells me not to be discouraged as last year was an unusually hot summer. Second hottest on record to be exact. But I think Ann had it right when she said my garden looked a little crowded. This year I've scaled down the number of plants in a box and my DH built me another to plant in. Hopefully, I'll have enough to share this year.
Here's a couple of pics to see how they started.
The first garden has 4 tomato plants, 3 are BHN 602s, 1 is a Black Krim. The BHN 602 was voted best tomato at the San Antonio Rodeo this year and the Black Krim is an heirloom type that had a very dark skin and interior. My heirlooms last year didn't do well. I may have picked varieties that don't do well in the heat here. On two opposite corners I've planted basil and rosemary. We have a very mediterranean garden going this year. Wish me luck.

The new box has 3 tomatoes, all are Celebrities, and I added 3 globe eggplants to the far end. Maybe one to many but I'm greedy. I also planted two small herbs, thyme and oregano, that will grow until the tomatoes crowd them out.