Gonzales Texas is the place to go for anything old, crusty and fabulous. We found two old porch pillars (they're not exactly the same, but close) to place on the short wall that divides the kitchen from the family room. We're not sure if this is a load bearing wall (do you remember the 3 cedar log posts that were there in the beginning?) but, these two pillars seem to be holding things up.
Here's a before shot of the post we put in temporarily after taking out the cedar logs (I'll find a pic of the logs and post later). It's also a great shot of the front of Larry and Domingo and a fabulous old jack, with chippy green paint and rust, that Larry has refused to sell me, so far. I plan to wear him down though so watch for a future post on my new (old) jack.
Last thing, notice the black and pink granite counter tops? Stay tuned for changes...